Questions answered in video ?

  • Types of didgeridoo wood ?
  • Making a didg green or cured, which is better?
  • Is a sealed didg better than an unsealed didg?
  • Is there a particular tree/ wood that  makes a better sound?
  • Why is a sun seasoned didg special?


Questions answered in video

  • What are the key specs of a didgeridoo?
  • Is a longer didg better?
  • Does a bigger belled  end make a better didg?
  • Wax or timber mouthpiece pros and cons?
  • How can I seal the inside of my didg? What are the options and what is the best sealant?


Questions answered in video!

  • What makes a didg play the way it does?
  • What is the difference between a Yidaki and Magu didg?
  • What makes a healer didgeridoo or a traditional style didg?


Answers to these questions coming soon?

  • Do I need a didg in perfect pitch 
  • Which notes are easier to learn on?
  • What is it with 432 or 440htz tuning?
  • What makes a didg in tune and is there an exact science


Answers to these questions coming soon?

  • How is it that some didgs are both good for a beginner and an experienced player?
  • What should I look for in my first and subsequently my second didg?
  • Why should I consider or not a custom didg?


Answers to these questions coming soon?

  • Where can I get the best didgeridoos in Australia?
  • What makes a didgeridoo rare?
  • What is a good quiver of didgs look like?
  • Why do Heartland didgeridoos  have more of a vibe or spirit about them?


Answers to these questions coming soon?

  • How do i look after my didgeridoo so it lasts a long time?
  • Should I be worried about a small crack I can see in my didgeridoo? Demystifying cracking and didgs! 
  • How should I fix a crack or hole?
  • What is the greatest risk to my didgeridoo?
  • How do I travel with my didgeridoo?
  • Storing or featuring in ones home?


Answers to these questions are coming soon. 

  • Playing didgeridoo, how can I best show respect to the first nation mobs who played this instrument? 
  • Is didgeridoo playing only  for men?
  • Should I ask before playing someones didg
  • How to approach jamming with other instruments?
  • How to approach the ritual  or ceremonial use of didgeridoo?


Answers to these questions are coming soon!

  • How do I learn to circular breath?
  • Different ways of approaching learning and playing?
  • What makes a player particularly good?


Packaging and insured to your door?

Didgeridoos are strong by nature, and our packaging works with that strength, and most importantly provides a thick layer of protection especially at the ends.
Your didgeridoo is fully insured to your door so you have total peace of mind.


Delivery timing and tracking?

Your packaged didgeridoo  generally arrives within days, or at the outside in 1-2 weeks.  You can track its progress via the tracking number we will provide.


Your didgeridoo has a 100% satisfaction guarantee, where you have received your order and it doesn’t meet reasonable expectations of what was ordered. It is in our interests to make you happy and we will do whatever is possible to do so.

Damage or faults in a didgeridoo relayed within 4 weeks will be honoured, but where as a result of hot/cold or moist/ dry, temperature shifts and the issue is minor we will support you resolving. Heartland Didgeridoos because of our long curing time frames, and making methods are the least likely didgs to have any issues, but any didg left too long in the sun or outside overnight, or in a hot car can have issues, so we are forced to provide this warning. If this does happen, we know how to help you rectify any issues that arise.

The best way of summarising our Warranty approach is to say we  support you with replacement or the right help so you are more than happy with your didgeridoo order.