
Home & Heart, Heart & Home


When I hold, play or think of this didg I feel centred, calm, solid and in my heart. This didg  is a healer, a traveller and a lover and is just waiting for that person who just knows they’re ready for deepening into these elements. Some didgs  and maybe all sit waiting for the right person but for me the maker some didgs journey finding their owner is more evident. The clear open straight reasonably sized hole is why it’s so vocal and responsive and so warm and resonant. A healer for its owner and for those who hear its song.


Listen to this didgeridoo:



Code: 3107

Length: 127cm

Widest diameter: 9cm

Weight: 1.5kg

Wood type: Mallee

Musical key: C#

Overtones: G#, E

Categories: Bare & or Natural with some Art, Beginner Intermediate, Healer, Highest Quality Instrument, Highly Resonant and Responsive, Traveller


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Additional Information
Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 150 × 20 × 20 cm
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