
Box Gum Dreaming


Box Gum didgeridoos have been my favourite timber over time. The hardness of the timber, the tendency towards levels of perfection in the hole that no other timber has ever delivered, and the stories visible in the wood grain, are some of my reasons for loving them so. Of course any tree variety can produce an amazing and perfect didgeridoo and I love bloodwoods or any didgs that provides those beautiful tapered Yidaki’s but yes I do love Box gum didgeridoos a ton.
I used to cut logs in an area that we called Didg heaven for the incredible didgs that it produced over many years of searching there and later on it deservedly became a National Park.
This didgeridoo is from Didg Heaven and has all those qualities mentioned above, including being tapered in its hole size and the die back lines on this didg are epic. So much spirit!

And I totally forgot to say, this is also a sun seasoned didg found already dead as a tree, with all the history of it its fight to live, as it slowly died, all etched in the die back lines and markings.
Also if you check its incredible light weight and its size specs, this all alludes to how good a player it is as well.

This is a very special Box Gum Collectors didgeridoo!!


Listen to this didgeridoo:



Code: 3342

Length: 142cm

Widest diameter: 11cm

Weight: 1kg

Wood type: Box Gum

Musical key: C#

Overtones: F#,D#

Categories: Bare Natural, Beginner Advanced, Collectors, Healer / Boomer, Highest Quality Instrument, Sun Seasoned, Top Quality Instrument


1 in stock


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Additional Information
Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 150 × 20 × 20 cm
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